| SHORT WHITE CANDLESTICK: This candlestick indicates relatively weak buying pressure, resulting in limited price movement. more... |
 | WHITE CANDLESTICK: This candlestick indicates normal buying pressure, demonstrating that prices advanced from open to close throughout the day, with buyers maintaining control. more... |
 | LONG WHITE CANDLESTICK: This candlestick implies relatively strong buying pressure, and shows that prices advanced during the day significantly from open to close and the buyers were aggressive. more... |
 | WHITE MARUBOZU: This candlestick represents extreme bullishness and is characterized by a long white body with no shadows on either end. more... |
 | WHITE OPENING MARUBOZU: This candlestick represents extreme bullishness and is characterized by a long white body with an upper shadow but no lower shadow. more... |
 | WHITE CLOSING MARUBOZU: This candlestick represents extreme bullishness and is characterized by a long white body with a lower shadow but no upper shadow. more... |
 | SHORT BLACK CANDLESTICK: This candlestick indicates relatively weak selling pressure, resulting in limited price movement. more... |
 | BLACK CANDLESTICK: This candlestick indicates normal selling pressure, showing that prices declined from open to close throughout the day, with sellers maintaining control. more... |
 | LONG BLACK CANDLESTICK: This candlestick implies relatively strong selling pressure, showing that prices declined significantly from open to close throughout the day, with sellers being aggressive. more... |
 | BLACK MARUBOZU: This candlestick represents extreme bearishness and is characterized by a long black body with no shadows on either end. more... |
 | BLACK OPENING MARUBOZU: This candlestick represents extreme bearishness and is characterized by a long black body with a lower shadow but no upper shadow. more... |
 | BLACK CLOSING MARUBOZU: This candlestick represents extreme bearishness and is characterized by a long black body with an upper shadow but no lower shadow. more... |
 | DOJI: This candlestick is formed when the opening and closing prices are virtually equal. more... |
 | WHITE SPINNING TOP: This candlestick has a tiny white body with upper and lower shadows that are longer than the body. It is recognized as a type of Doji and will behave as a Doji when it appears. more... |
 | BLACK SPINNING TOP: This candlestick has a tiny black body with upper and lower shadows that are longer than the body. It is recognized as a type of Doji and will behave as a Doji when it appears. more... |
 | FOUR PRICE DOJI: This candlestick is simply a horizontal line that has no upper and lower shadows. more... |
 | LONG LEGGED DOJI: This candlestick is a Doji with very long shadows. more... |
 | UMBRELLA: This candlestick is a type of Doji characterized by having no upper shadow and a long lower shadow. It is also known as the Dragonfly Doji. more... |
 | INVERTED UMBRELLA: This candlestick is a type of Doji characterized by having no lower shadow and a long upper shadow. It is also known as the Gravestone Doji. more... |